MineralBoost Rumensin

All the benefits of MineralBoost Classic with the added advantage of Rumensin®  - designed for early-mid lactation to help combat ketosis and improve milk production.

Rumensin® also aids in the reduction of bloat and ensures full utilisation of feed later in the dairy season when grass has high fibre and low digestibility.

*Rumensin® Registered Trademark of Ell Lilly and company. Rumerisi n-® Millmix is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997.No.9107

ELEMENTAL PROFILE Each 200gms contains:
Calcium 48gms
Magnesium 10gms
Sodium 10gms
RUMENSIN® * Each 200gms contains:
Monensin 300mg


All animal feed products should be fed as part of a healthy balanced diet matched to the specific requirements of the herd. Agrifeeds makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the suitability of any of the products supplied to the specific requirements of your animals. Please note that recommended feeding rates are given as a guideline only and will vary based on the total diet and actual feed intake of your animals. It is recommended that you consult your vet, nutritionist or farm consultant before making any dietary changes.

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