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Dry Feeds
Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) High Fibre Pellets Canola Meal Distiller’s Dried Grains with Soluble (DDGS) DDGS Plus High-Starch Meal Kibbled Maize Tapioca Pellet Soy Hull Pellet Rolled Feed Barley Rolled Feed Wheat Corn Gluten Feed Soybean MealLiquid Feeds
Feedgrade Molasses Molasses Xtra - Calcimol Molasses Xtra - Himag Molasses Xtra – Rumag300® Molasses Xtra – Rumol300® - Sustainability
- FeedSCAN®
- Agrifeeds Service Provider Update
- Agrifeeds Southland
- Flexible Contracts
- Discover the benefits of molasses
- Facial Eczema
- Why you need to keep dairy feed declarations
- Right diet helps calves thrive
- Supplement research surprises
- The value of molasses in spring
- The secret to a good transition diet
- Terms of Trade
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- About
- Products
- Sustainability
- FeedSCAN®
- Agrifeeds Service Provider Update
- Agrifeeds Southland
- Flexible Contracts
- Discover the benefits of molasses
- Facial Eczema
- Why you need to keep dairy feed declarations
- Right diet helps calves thrive
- Supplement research surprises
- The value of molasses in spring
- The secret to a good transition diet
- Terms of Trade
- Team
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Agrifeeds Service Provider Update
Agrifeeds Southland
It's easier with AgrifeedsFlexible Contracts
Introducing FeedSCAN® On-farm Feed Analysis Service -
Molasses has never been more
accessible and cost-effectiveNo matter your infrastructure, discover the benefits of including molasses
into your herd’s nutrition plan with Agrifeeds Molasses or PKExtra.
PKExtra 10
High Fibre Pellets
Grower 18
Forti-Min + Monensin 400®
PKExtra 20
PKExtra 30
High-Starch Meal
"Despite the dry, Karl says milk production has kept up, and that’s all down to ensuring their high producing cows are properly fed – molasses mixed into supplementary feed. Animal health issues have also been reduced and profitability is up too."
Karl Siddins - Turua
"Feed budgeting is easier using molasses, and in cold weather the cows are warmer and have more energy. They’ve also been cycling earlier, and it’s easier to get condition up for calving and prevent too much condition loss afterwards."
Blair McKenzie - Invercargill
"The Riordans use Rumol 600 in half litre doses all year, combined with one measure of cereal grain, maize or grass silage, or straw. Simon believes keeping their cows fully fed, combined with the benefits of Rumol has definitely helped keep animal health costs down. Some may say it’s a luxury, but he considers the Rumol, and Rumensin it contains, as part of a balanced feed budget to ensure good cow condition all year."
Simon & Beck Riordan - Ashburton
"By including molasses in his feedplan, empty rates have dropped, herd energy and feed consumption have increased, and cow flow is much better too. Which is why Christian’s confident that feeding molasses is helping to keep farm working expenses down and profitability up."
Christian Lugenbuhl - Otahuti
"Kent & Anna use Rumol 300® for most of the season, with the addition of other supplements in the shoulder periods. The aim is to maximise production in the first half of the season, then increase condition score while maintaining milk production for the balance of the season. Using Rumol® pre-calving has reduced ketosis cases."
Kent & Anna Spittle - Riverton
“Getting energy levels and condition scores up after calving and premating is definitely much easier to achieve using molasses” says Stuart, “and for the cows, knowing there’s a treat in the feed bins really helps with cow flow and heifer introductions.”"
Stuart & Gayle Litchfield - Rakaia
"Using molasses definitely improves milk production and helps manage feed budgets, says Justin. In summer, when high fibre pasture can be difficult for cows to digest, the high metabolisable energy (ME) of molasses can maintain condition and energy when they can’t eat huge amounts of pasture."
Justin Downing - Motumaoho