Forti-Min + Zinc Oxide

Forti-Min + ZINC OXIDE TS-99 is a low dust, flow-able mineral supplement formulated to help address calcium, magnesium, sodium and zinc requirements through summer into autumn.

Ingredients: Lime flour 66.5%, salt, magnesium oxide 5.5%, salt 12%, zinc oxide 6% and molasses 10%.

*Zinc Oxide is registered persuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No.A010933, as an aid in the prevention of facial eczema in cattle and sheep.

Inclusion rates

Total feed rate kgs/cow/day Addition Rate of Forti-Min per tonne of feed % of total feed
2kg 100kg 10%
3kg 67kg 6.7%
4kg 50kg 5%
5kg 40kg 4%

NOTE: The above recommendation is based on a 450kg lactating dairy cow. Using the above guidelines, each cow will be offered 50g elemental calcium, 5.5g elemental magnesium, 8.5g elemental sodium and 9.6g elemental zinc.


All animal feed products should be fed as part of a healthy balanced diet matched to the specific requirements of the herd. Agrifeeds makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the suitability of any of the products supplied to the specific requirements of your animals. Please note that recommended feeding rates are given as a guideline only and will vary based on the total diet and actual feed intake of your animals. It is recommended that you consult your vet, nutritionist or farm consultant before making any dietary changes.

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