Molasses Xtra – Rumag300®

Rumag300® is a complementary liquid feed, a unique combination of Rumensin®*, magnesium and molasses. Each kg contains cane molasses, 300mg of the active sodium monensin as Rumensin®* Technical plus 9g of elemental magnesium as magnesium chloride. Rumag300® is a convenient product that can be fed throughout lactation to provide the energy, magnesium and Rumensin®* necessary to help balance the diet and improve rumen function.

*Rumensin® is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No A7871, as an aid in the control of ketosis and an aid in the prevention of bloat.

  As fed basis (1kg) g/kg DM Basis
Sodium monensin as Rumensin®* Technical 300mg/k  
Calcium 7.3 12.0
Crude Protein 44 72
Nitrogen 7 11.5
Magnesium 11 18
Phosphorous 1.2 2.0
Potassium 31 51
Sodium 0.95 1.6
Soluble Sugars (NSC) 410 672
Sulphur 2.5 4.1
Dry Matter 61%  
ME est (MJ of ME per kg DM)   11
  mg/kg (ppm)  
Cobalt 1.7 2.8
Copper 3.3 5.4
Iodine 1 1.6
Iron 140 230
Manganese 120 197
Zinc 10 16
DCAD -211  


All animal feed products should be fed as part of a healthy balanced diet matched to the specific requirements of the herd. Agrifeeds makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the suitability of any of the products supplied to the specific requirements of your animals. Please note that recommended feeding rates are given as a guideline only and will vary based on the total diet and actual feed intake of your animals. It is recommended that you consult your vet, nutritionist or farm consultant before making any dietary changes.

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